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Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
Dome Roof Replacement

Cathedral of St. John the Divine - Dome Roof Replacement 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, NEw York, NY 10025 Architect: Ennead Architects

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine contracted JSM to oversee and perform the the Demolition & Abatement of existing dome roof. Waterproofing, framing and installation of new Copper roof in multiple phases. Awards: 2023 North American Copper in Architecture Awards

- Work included extensive scaffolding and site safety protocol, with an employeed Site Safety Manager on site.

- Phasing and coordination around various weather events and seasons was critical for this project.

- The existing structure was a combination of terracotta and guastavino tile. Once the dome was completed, the interior was scaffolded and repairs were made to the interior of the structure.

- Project was performed under strict Landmark society oversee.

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